A participatory event at Blueprint in Falmouth, where photographer Andreas Sterzing invites you to select 35mm slides from his vast archive of over 20,000 outtakes. Have fun combining two or more slides to create new images.
The resulting slides will be projected at Blueprint throughout the week, and a selection will be printed and displayed in the gallery the following week!
There are three 1 hour slots available, each with capacity for up to 8 participants:
4-5pm, 5-6pm or 6-7pm
Please sign up on the Eventbrite Link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-pictures-tickets-1079135235539?aff=oddtdtcreator
Through popular demand Andreas is now kindly offering drop in sessions between 5-7pm on Thursday 21st November. There is no need to register, please just turn up.